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Awareness & Accessibility

Unser Ziel war es, so viel Information wie möglich schon vor der Anmeldephase rauszugeben. Wir brauchen jedoch noch mehr Zeit alle Informationen aufzubereiten und werden die nächsten Wochen laufend Updates geben. Wir wissen, dass es stressig sein kann, genauere Information zu Küche, Programm, Infrastruktur, Sanitäranlagen etc. vorab noch nicht zu haben. Wenn ihr euch deswegen unsicher seid, könnt ihr euch gerne anmelden und im Falle auch abmelden, wenn ihr doch nicht kommen könnt. Bis dann <3

Our goal is to give you as much information as possible before the event registration. Sadly we are a bit overwhelmed and need more time to make information available to you. We will give you updates as we discussed, collected and wrote down the information. We know, that it can be stressful, to get information about kitchen, program, infrastructure, sanitary stations so late in this process. If you are not sure, you have the possibility to register and unregister again or write us a message if you need something specific. see you there <3

Buddy System

We are aware that events and groups can present a variety of challenges. Since many things are easier together than alone, we would like to offer the possibility that people who want to be buddies with and for each other can find each other at the camp.
There will be a meeting on the 1st day and, if wished for, a second meeting on the 3rd day.
The idea is about looking after each other a little and smoothing the arrival at the camp – maybe you wish for a person who shares certain needs, common grounds or struggles, or maybe you came alone and someone else too – this will be a framework to meet and get to know each other.