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Open Meetings

Hi all! BiteBack Camp will be back this summer and we are in the middle of planning. In the time leading up to the camp, there will be an open meeting once a month (every 13th): at each open meeting, we will discuss a different topic relevant to the camp and want to invite you – anyone who would like to have a say/collaborate is welcome to come! There will also be space to discuss questions about the design and organization of this year’s camp.

Next date: 13.06. Classism (!!!!!!postponed to 20.06.2023!!!!!!!)

Upcoming dates

13.07. Transphobia

Past dates

13.05 (Anti) Ableism and Health Accessibility at Camp.

13.04. Childcare

13.03. Anti-Colonialism/-Racism

Registration: / IG: bitebackcamp

We will inform you about the place of the meeting. You are also welcome to bring people or forward this message!

We are looking forward to it!

bats bite back butterflies bite back<3