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Call for Childcare

Call for childcare at Bite Back Camp 2023 (5.8-9.8)🤸🏽‍♀️⛹🏼‍♂️🛹🛼

Hello all! For the childcare at Bite Back Camp, we are looking for people to come together as a group to plan, prepare and be responsible for the childcare at camp. We are searching for fixed crew to take the main responsibility for the childcare. On the one hand because it is important that the childcare works well and that enough people feel responsible and on the other hand we believe that this way trust can be built up with the children. Last year we made the experience that if childcare is only organized through a shift plan, there are often not enough people and also appreciation of the childcare itself is missing.

On site, the childcare should be happening with the help of other campers. In the best case a few from the fixed childcare-crew are always present in the childcare times, so that children can build trust with the adults. It isn’t helpful if every few hours other people take care of them. Lack of trust is usually not with the parents or people who have responsibility over the child, but with the children themselves. It would be important that the people who want to do be part of the childcare-crew already have some experience in taking care of children. The activities should be planned in such a way that all children of different ages can participate or that there is a parallel activity for younger/older children. In general, it needs to be considered that the childcare should always be adapted to different age groups. At the open meeting on childcare we talked a lot about building trust of children towards caregivers. We came up with the idea of organizing a KENNENLERNFEST/KENNENLERNPICKNIK in the park or at the Donauinsel (Vienna), so that the children can get to know people from the fixed childcare.

Childcare works better when there are more children at the camp, so that children of similar ages are there, friendships can be developed, and the children have each other as buddies. However, there is a lot of mistrust among people with children towards the provided childcare in autonomous structures. That’s why we want to communicate a lot to you about how this years childcare is planned to be. We want to relieve persons who have responsibility over children and allow the children themselves to have a nice time at camp. We hope that some children will sign up for the camp, so that a fine group will be formed, which likes to spend time together and in which friendships will develop.

You can find more information about the childcare on our website:

If you are interested in helping out with childcare and be part of the childcare-crew, please message us on Instagram or via email We can then connect you with each other! (open for all genders, more information on invitation policy will soon be posted on our website)✨✨✨✨

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