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How to: Registration

Hello cuties <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 

We want to describe to you how the registration of this year’s camp works. If you are thinking about coming to the camp, please read or listen to the following text. It mainly concerns the main days of the camp (9.8-13.8). However, we are also looking for people who would like to help with the set-up (5.8-9.8) and the clean-up days (14.8-15.8).

We have thought long and hard about how we want to organize the registration and at this point we have made the following decisions. However, that doesn’t mean we are sure about everything and we are looking forward to continuing to talk and continue to learn especially at camp. 

There will be two registration phases for this year’s Bite Back Camp. Since we have limited spaces and we do not want to do ‘first come first served’, nor do we perceive ‘questionnaires’ to be an appropriate tool to fill the camp spaces, there will be two registration phases this year: 

In the first registration phase (25.6-5.7) the free spots will be created for people who experience constant discrimination and or violence in our society (with a focus on queerphobia and racism). The following groups of people are meant by this within the first registration phase. We know that we are merly listing identities here, and this list can not be complete:

  • BBIAPoC (Black, Brown, Indiginous, Asian&SWANA People of Color)
  • migrantised persons
  • persons affected by racism and/or colonialism
  • jewish and muslim persons 
  • persons who experience anti-Semitism
  • persons who experience anti-Muslim racism
  • Rom*nja and Sinti*zze 
  • trans persons 
  • non-binary persons 
  • agender persons
  • inter-persons 
  • gender-non-conforming people
  • SUPPORTPERSONS can be registered in the first phase (we want to have our friends, lovers, partners, soulmates with us)
  • Children can always be registered as well as support persons for care responsibilities. (more information:

In the second phase (from 6.7) the registration will be opened for all people and the remaining places will be distributed. We will also give ongoing updates within the first phase on how much space has been filled, so that people who want to sign up will have an idea of how quickly the space is filling up. We also want to emphasize that the first registration phase will not be screened; we will not in any way monitor whether people have “correctly registered” and it will not be apparent who has registered in the first or second phase. Persons should decide for themselves whether they are meant in the first registration phase and whether they want to register in the first or second phase. In addition, we would like to emphasize that we are also aware that in the spectrum of inter-persons there are also cis-persons. Accordingly, the first phase of registration is for inter-persons, whether cis or trans. We are aware that this leads to contradictions in some moments, but we find that ok. We want to name that, but not produce exclusion; inter-persons are included in the first phase.

As you can see, with this registration system it is especially important that you unsubscribe if you can’t come! Just send us a mail or click on the unsubscribe link in the confirmation mail!

In contrast to last year, we have decided against a FLINTA-only camp policy, because our conception of queerfeminism, queerness and queerfeminist spaces can’t be captured under the policy FLINTA-only. We as a Bite Back collective see some problematics with a FLINTA-only invitation policy, as it produces exclusions that we want to counter. In our experience, FLINTA-only spaces in German-speaking countries are often very cis-lesbian, white and dominated by AFAB persons (assigned female at birth).

These people are also usually the focus of discussions and their experiences are often the most present. We want to create a space where individuals who do not belong to this dominant group can feel comfortable, brave, and supported. Gender-nonconforming and questioning persons who were assigned male gender at birth and are beginning to question it, transfeminine persons and trans women, as well as BBIAPoC (Black, Brown, Indiginous, Asian&SWANA People of Color) and migrantised persons who often face racial discrimination in dominant white spaces, persons who experience anti-muslim racism, and persons who experience antisemitism should be able to feel brave and supported at camp. In our view, queerfeminist spaces should be open to all people who want to engage and confront queerfeminism, gender, and various forms of discrimination. Here we also include gay cis men and straight cis men, as well as all people who are unsure of their ascribed gender. Our critique is directed against patriarchal cis-heteronormative structures and not against a group of people, specifically cis-men. You can find more about this in our self-understanding, where we describe in more detail how we position ourselves to the discussion about FLINTA*only and what our conception of the design of queerfeminist spaces looks like. We are currently working and writing on this self-conception and it will be published and completed in the coming days and weeks.

We have chosen this form of registration because, although the camp is in principle open to all persons, we want to create a majority space for persons who are constantly exposed to structural violence or discrimination. We are aware that ‘people experiencing structural violence’ can be thought of very broadly and that many different experiences and situations lead to people being exposed to discrimination/violence and/or engaging with queer feminism. However, this year we have decided to prioritize the people mentioned above. In some moments this can lead to contradictions, as there can be many reasons why one is entitled to this space; this form of registration will not be able to resolve these contradictions. However, we do not want to leave it to a ‘first come first served’ principle or ask for how people are affected by certain structures and then order them. Instead, we want to leave the decision to you within this framework and not limit your ability to act. The updates about the occupied places over the first phase are meant to give people a picture of who is approximately at the camp and help in deciding whether they would like to come to the camp. However, we are also aware that such an update about filled places cannot give a clear picture of who is at the camp. 

Additionally, it should be possible for people from the first registration phase to register support people who were not listed in the first phase. If there are children coming to the camp, this just needs to be indicated in the registration form.

We would also like people who register for the camp to read our self-understanding, where we describe how we position ourselves on various issues and how our collective is composed. This will also indicate which behaviors, positions, and approaches we don’t want to create space for. 

We do not want to create space for/ invite 

  • TERFS (Trans exclusive radical feminists)
  • SWERFS (Sex worker exclusive radical feminists) 
  • military, police, fraternity members (except hysteria) or hunters
  • antifeminist machos
  • People from dogmatic political tendencies that have a destructive effect on our spaces (for example often Antideutsche)
  • and people who do not want to reflect their discriminatory or violent behavior

We are really looking forward to the camp and hope that you feel like participating in the camp and this space. We are happy if many sign up and we are also sorry if there will be a waiting list and we have to cancel on people.

See you then and bite back <3

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