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OPEN CALL! workshops, skillshares, programm….

!!Open Call!! 🦋Biteback Camp 2023🦋:
9.8.-13.8. in Unterkohlstätten/ Burgenland

We are inviting you to participate in the program for Biteback Camp 2023! What will finally happen at the camp will mainly depend on what the participating people will bring with them. Even tough there will be the possibility to spontaneously offer a program point on site, we would also like to already plan a few fix points! This can look very different; right now we are imagining that it will be a mix of workshops, skillshares, creative workshops, discussions, moments of exchange, sports and movement, work on the body, readings, music, lectures, …

We are an anarchaqueerfeminist and bodypositive camp focusing on anti-colonialism, bodywork, utopias, networking, exchange, anti-transphobia, anti-racism, anti-ableism, neurodiversity, inter-struggles and people of struggles. Individual points of the program should therefore revolve around these topics.

If you as an individual or as a group have an idea, want to create or offer something, maybe also ideas for evening programs, then write us a mail or a message over instagram. Describe a bit what your idea is – but it doesnt have to be very concrete – the most important thing is to know who wants to do what at the camp and the topic.

The Biteback Camp is a DIY Camp and it thrives on people working together to create this space. Unfortunately we can’t pay for all the workshops, but we try to set up funding for people who speak from their own perspective.

We are really looking forward to hear from you and create a nice space together.🌷

Contact us over instagram @bitebackcamp or via E-Mail:
See you then. <3

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