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How do we imagine the program at the camp?

We are in the middle of preparations for the program!  Originally our goal was to have a rough program ready before the first registration phase, so that every person who wants to come to the camp knows what content, activities, workshops, etc. one can expect at Biteback. And simply, when is what happening and when are the best days for me to come? Because of Struggles with Time, we have not been able to do that yet (AAAAAAAH). We will try to give you an idea of your stay at the camp as soon as possible – updates will be coming soon.

But to give you a first impression, we want to tell you a little bit about our rough ideas of what could happen at the camp, what drives us as an organization, with which topics people have come to us:

We are currently asking groups, collectives and individuals for the following topics and hope that we can realize some or most of them at the camp. So at this point we can’t promise you that all these topics and workshops will actually happen. But what we can promise is that we will set priorities and hope that we will be able to realize them. It is also important to us to say that this list is not finalized or fixed, should breathe and grow, and can be supplemented/discussed – so if you want to contribute something, or you also see yourself in the topics here, you can find the Open Call here, where you will get all the info again in detail:

We also understand if a person who has registered for the camp changes their mind after the official release of the program based on the new info and doesn’t want to come to the camp after all – if that should be the case, please cancel your registration with us via E-Mail – also so that people who feel more comfortable with the program have the chance to come 🙂

Our ideas for the camp are a result of many things. The “we” is not only the organization and all the people who make it what it is, but also all the people who talked to us about the program and the design of the camp and who in turn shared their ideas with us: 

For one thing, we would love it if there was a space where we could do drag, where we could start make up sessions and dress ups. Also a drag reading for kids would be great. We are also planning an exchange space or workshop on sex work – we already got a proposal for that and it looks like there will be a film screening. 

We want trans topics that are about joy! We want to connect with trans people and queers, exchange ideas, support each other and talk about topics that are about Joy: e.g. trans health care or – How is self-defense for transfemmes different from self-defense that cis women are taught?

There should be an exchange space or framework to exchange for decolonial practices. But not only exchange but also moments where we can live decolonial practices. There should be a space for empowerment, healing and exchange. In addition, we want to organize workshops on anti-racism and anti-colonialism at the beginning of the Camp Basic – it can be about general topics or specific topics. We want Space for Black Empowerment – We want Space for BBIAPoC Empowerment and Healing. We want to try different practices that are not just heavy for the head and thoughts (discussion). Spoken-Word was a suggestion. Comedy was a suggestion. We want to exchange, give each other space, hold each other, laugh. We want braver rather than saver spaces where we can feel brave and supported. We will create spaces within the camp that are closed/exclusive for certain groups of people – not only to support us, but also to connect. So that we don’t isolate. We want to learn about queer history at the camp. 

There was also the idea to strengthen a network between the Bundesländer and surrounding countries via the topic of pro-choice and to create an exchange framework for groups and people who politicize this topic. But there will also be creative workshops and spaces where we can craft, make music, exchange skills. We also want to focus more on our bodies: Bodywork, sports, dance etc.

We want to talk about BDSM practices and consensus, about sustainable activism and mental health. How to deal with psychological crises (situations)? How to deal with our own trauma? How to deal with the trauma of others? 

We want to talk about neurodiversity and to design places where recovery and participation are possible at the same time. We want to try out party concepts that include diverse needs. We want to talk about inter-struggles. But also always put the focus back on Healing. At the beginning of the camp we want to offer a basic workshop on transphobia. We want to put a focus on transmisogyny and how this affects the world but also our Spaces. We want to address anti-Semitism, question how class struggles and queer struggles can be and are connected, dream up utopias, and think about transformative justice. We will explore the question of what FLINTA*Spaces are, what they are often like, what they do to us, where they produce exclusion, where they pick you up, what we can do differently. What does creating safety mean and who is at the center of this discussion? How do we even want to shape our spaces and the world and how can we hold them? 

But/and in all of this we also want to play and have fun, because that is often made difficult for us with all that we have to carry around – the camp is meant to be a place for that as well. We want to dance, move, run through the area like kids or sleep between the trees or in a meadow somewhere, if it should be quiet. We want to network in order to pursue political struggles together, to strengthen solidarity, to gather new motivation and to become less isolated. We want to look where injustice, discrimination and violence happen. And we want to start healing from the things that cause (us) pain. And we want to have fun <3

Until then: See you at the next update, sweeties and bite back!

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