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How to: Registration

Hello cuties <3<3<3<3<3<3<3  We want to describe to you how the registration of this year’s camp works. If you are thinking about coming to the camp, please read or listen to the following text. It mainly concerns the main days of the camp (9.8-13.8). However, we are also looking for people who would like to… Read More »How to: Registration

OPEN CALL! workshops, skillshares, programm….

!!Open Call!! 🦋Biteback Camp 2023🦋:9.8.-13.8. in Unterkohlstätten/ Burgenland We are inviting you to participate in the program for Biteback Camp 2023! What will finally happen at the camp will mainly depend on what the participating people will bring with them. Even tough there will be the possibility to spontaneously offer a program point on site,… Read More »OPEN CALL! workshops, skillshares, programm….

Call for Childcare

Call for childcare at Bite Back Camp 2023 (5.8-9.8)🤸🏽‍♀️⛹🏼‍♂️🛹🛼 Hello all! For the childcare at Bite Back Camp, we are looking for people to come together as a group to plan, prepare and be responsible for the childcare at camp. We are searching for fixed crew to take the main responsibility for the childcare. On… Read More »Call for Childcare